With the advent of more and more automation slipping into our daily lives the requirement for urgent, breakdown supplies of anything from an air line fitting to a Zenner barrier is becoming an everyday demand.

Most of the time the need is to replace like with like but there are occasions when the existing item is old, obsolete or simply on a long lead time. So overall, the need is to have a supply company that can deliver all types of product from any manufacturer.

A company that is application driven not part number driven

SEAR Engineering Services is such a Company..

Most of the time Pneumatic components are so cheap it is simply not worth considering repairs. There are other occasions however where, because of the cost of replacement, or the cost of redesign to accommodate new units, or long deliveries; remanufacture of the existing system may be the best option. Our Engineers can give you unbiased advice as to the best course of action and what’s more can deliver cost effective and speedy solutions.

Design and Build of Control Panels to interface with existing Hydraulic or Pneumatic systems.
Project Management from concept to installation.

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